Do you have a special chair? Or a special nook in your home or place in nature that you are drawn to when you want to take a time out or a time in? There is something powerful, and at times even reverent, about gifting oneself with moments for deep reflection and connection with oneself.
Nowadays, I actually schedule in my calendar “time on the couch” interludes when I curl up in the corner of a special sofa in my living room that faces out onto a beautiful and replenishing view. Journal in hand, it’s a place to simply breathe and be, sip tea and converse inwardly with me, asking and exploring questions such as “What’s alive in me now?” and “What do I need to know or think about right now?” and “How am I feeling/how am I feeling about…?” I will also often take my seat on the ground behind my home, with that same view all around me.
At the age of 78, simply “sitting” is a practice that has served me well for a very long time, back to when I was a small child and, for example, would curl up in a red storybook chair to read. Then, in my early twenties. I learned TM™ (Transcendental Meditation) which I practiced daily propped up cross-legged on a chair pillow on my bed. This ritual opened up a whole new vista of seated experiences. Through the years, there have been a number of chairs that I have embraced and that have embraced me unconditionally, no matter what I chose to focus on, ruminate or cogitate about, or deeply collaborate on with my wise inner Self.
Then too it is worth considering the power of a (specific) chair. When first married, my favorite seat was a colorfully upholstered Vladimir Kagan (fabulous artisan at the time) bent rosewood rocker that lived in my living room where I could rock away my worries or listen to rock n’ roll and, eventually, rock my infant son to sleep. It is still with me 55 years later and has taken on a new appearance and vantage point in my current bedroom, serenely covered in beige. Looking around my home, there is also a pair of red stripe armchairs, gifted to me fifteen years ago by my very grown up son. I enjoyed my first magical Chair of Joy™ experience in one of those chairs.
Then there’s the red leather desk chair that was in my father’s office where my growing-up son loved to play pretend (and smoke “pretend” cigars). And a big boxy chair where I read to my then baby granddaughter in her first home. Looking back through other photos, I was reminded of a special in a chair moment of me sitting on the porch at Magnolia House in North Carolina, after being presented with a “Knight of Spork Medallion,” having spent five days being chef for a Come Back to Your Senses Retreat. I sat in that chair overlooking the mountains every day in between facilitating conversational circles and managing the kitchen. I also came across photos of a friend and me visiting a modern art museum in California where we played on roll and rock chairs. So many joy-filled and poignant and precious memories – snapshots of a life blessedly lived. I am grateful.
Looking around you and looking back in your mind’s eye, what are the chairs of joy that capture your attention and your gratitude now? I promise you, this is something worth considering. I hope you are delighted as you do so.
Curling Up Poem by Minx
true and forever friends we are
how could we be otherwise
so entwined are the stories
of our journeys
that they blur at the edges
of whose good idea or silly
scheme it was that sparked
this or that cherished moment
now revisited as we curl up
together in the comfy wicker chair
warming ourselves
with the kindling of memories
all the while creating a cozy haven
to cradle new dreams
kindred spirits
in each other’s eyes
we see reflected back
our best selves held sacred
heart to heart
protected from doubts
by the vigilance of our shared
love and appreciation
chosen companions
leaning on each other
in the quiet room and in life
feeling our tenderness
toward each other expand
to embrace the world
©2023 Minx Boren. All rights reserved.
Minx Boren, Master Certified Coach credentialed through the International Coach Federation, develops and presents innovative programs that support health and balance, reflection and achievement. She is trained in Positive Psychology, the Art of Convening, Purposeful Leadership, Positive Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Conversational Intelligence, Brain By Design, and more. Minx focuses on supporting her audience and clients to discern what truly motivates and inspires them, what arouses their curiosity and sparks their creativity, and, above all, what brings them joy, satisfaction, and a sense of fulfillment.
Additionally, Coach Minx is a collaborator/contributor to both and She is also a Global Ambassador for The Chair of Joy project which focuses on accessing the power of joy to initiate and amplify significant effective change in all areas of one’s life, individually and in community. The work reflects the findings of research in positive psychology, emotional intelligence, and brain science, including processes to evoke heart-brain coherence, While the message is purposely simple, it is bright and full of light. CoJ uses processes and practices that are both inspiring and practical.
Sharing about ways to live one’s most rewarding and meaningful life is at the heart of what brings Minx joy and satisfaction. For more information:
It’s time to immerse ourselves completely in the conversation of joy, to prioritize it above most things.. There’s no time to wait; it’s a matter of life and death.
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