chair of joy

Why the Chair of Joy®? Because It Works

The Chair of JOY Experience is rooted in a lifetime of personal discovery and scientific principles, distilling the essence of joy into four simple steps: sit, breathe, think, and feel. These steps form the foundation of JOYELY, Living JOYELY, and JOYELY Ever After, highlighting their transformative power.

A Lifelong Journey

Sheryl Lynn, the founder of JOYELY, discovered early on that her thoughts and actions were crucial to her well-being. Facing various challenges, from childhood traumas to the pressures of motherhood, she realized that processing emotions was essential to finding joy. This realization led her to create the Chair of Joy Experience.

Proven Effectiveness

The Chair of JOY Experience has evolved through various iterations, from family gatherings to professional settings, consistently demonstrating its effectiveness. People who practice these steps report increased feelings of joy, reduced anxiety, and improved overall well-being.

Creating Lasting Joy

By integrating these scientifically grounded steps into daily life, the Chair of JOY Experience helps individuals navigate life’s challenges with resilience and hope. It’s a testament to the power of mindfulness and emotional awareness, proving that joy is always within reach.

The Chair of Joy works because it is simple, accessible, and grounded in science, making it a powerful tool for anyone seeking to enhance their well-being and live a more joyful life.

The Heart of the Matter

The Chair of JOY Experience has undergone a remarkable evolution, solidifying its position as a truly impactful and one-of-a-kind adventure. It began as a journey towards epic joy, with the intention of reminding people to be kinder to themselves – to recognize that joy is a state that can be cultivated from within, regardless of life’s challenges. The experience aimed to celebrate the inherent greatness within each individual, embracing vulnerability without judgment.

While aspects of the experience evolved over time, the core intent remained constant: to empower people to shift their emotional state in a fun and accessible way. Through interactive activities and thought-provoking prompts like ‘containers of joy’, ‘imagine if you were’, and ‘what would you say’, participants embarked on a deeply personal journey that elicited various profound emotions.

Through attentive listening and feedback, we honed the Chair of Joy Experience to guide individuals in discovering their personal Chairs of JOY

– whether it’s a swing in their backyard, a cherished rocking chair, a favorite recliner, or a symbolic seat in their mind’s eye. This transformative experience has evoked tears of joy, released burdens of guilt, transformed sorrow into hope, and redirected passion towards inner peace. The overwhelming response worldwide – with enthusiastic sign-ups, waiting lists, and stories of profound personal change – speaks volumes. Our team has captured this remarkable impact in stunning footage that authentically conveys the essence of The Chair of JOY Experience.


JOY, The Universal Language: "Sit, Breathe, Think, Feel

After extensive research, we discovered the profound meanings behind the simple terms “sit, breathe, think, feel.” These words carry deep significance across cultures, transcending languages and boundaries. In a world focused on material possessions, these basic actions may seem insignificant, yet they are vital to our well-being. Without them, we are merely existing rather than truly living.

The Chair of JOY® Experience and the four words—sit, breathe, think, and feel—offer a moment to pause and reflect on what we truly want and need. They help us connect deeply with ourselves and the world around us, allowing us to experience all our emotions fully. Even in chaos and overwhelm, we can let the weight of the world take a back seat for a few minutes, giving ourselves a chance to elevate. This is how we elevate human consciousness; the human experience awaits us to stop and step into the good feelings, focus on what we want, and get more of it. It’s that simple!

From birth, we are promised hope that things will work out for us. Yet, joy often seems elusive and fleeting. However, at JOYELY, we believe joy is our inherent right and fundamental to our lives and our future for generations to come. We are asking that we come together to reclaim our birthright, realizing that we can create more solutions together.

Science supports the benefits of these simple actions. Research on heart-brain coherence shows that positive emotions like joy can synchronize heart rhythms and brainwaves, leading to improved mental clarity, emotional stability, and overall well-being. Additionally, studies have shown that practicing mindfulness can reduce stress and increase happiness.

At JOYELY, we’ve observed that when we “sit, breathe, think, feel,” even for 60 seconds, we reconnect with our inner selves. Sitting brings us to the present, breathing promotes relaxation, mindful thinking encourages positive reflection, and feeling our emotions strengthens resilience. Simplicity holds great power in helping us understand ourselves better. The Chair of JOY is the universal language and an essential life skill; like a muscle, it can be strengthened. And when we learn it with a colleague, friend, family member, or child, the impact is profound.

The Chair of JOY and the four words—sit, breathe, think, and feel—surpass cultural barriers and unite us as human beings. They speak to our collective memories and remind us that joy has no limits and is inclusive of all. By integrating the Chair of JOY Experience into our daily routines, we nurture all emotions through our brains and bodies and move them through our hearts, where we find serenity, understanding, and determination. This empowers us to live with more joy and fortitude.

At JOYELY, we’ve observed that when we “sit, breathe, think, feel,” even for 60 seconds, we reconnect with our inner selves. Sitting brings us to the present, breathing promotes relaxation, mindful thinking encourages positive reflection, and feeling our emotions strengthens resilience. Simplicity holds great power in helping us understand ourselves better. The Chair of JOY is the universal language and an essential life skill; like a muscle, it can be strengthened. And when we learn it with a colleague, friend, family member, or child, the impact is profound.

The Chair of JOY and the four words—sit, breathe, think, and feel—surpass cultural barriers and unite us as human beings. They speak to our collective memories and remind us that joy has no limits and is inclusive of all. By integrating the Chair of JOY Experience into our daily routines, we nurture all emotions through our brains and bodies and move them through our hearts, where we find serenity, understanding, and determination. This empowers us to live with more joy and fortitude.

The Chair of JOY is most powerful in its simplest form. Taking time to sit, breathe, think, and feel can give us the strength to face life’s obstacles and bask in moments of living, of life, of love. Isn’t that all that matters?

With immense pride and passion, we introduce The Chair of JOY® Experience and its four words—Sit, Breathe, Think, Feel—the universal power of joy that creates a lifestyle we coined Living JOYELY Ever After. JOYELY is not just a company but a haven for all the brilliance and beauty that joy has to offer. In this space, joy reigns supreme without boundaries, welcoming all who desire a community and way of being that is simple and, for many, epic joy.

Children's Chair of Joy® System

The Chair of JOY Experience is backed by scientific principles of mindfulness and emotional regulation. The steps—sit, breathe, think, and feel—are designed to help individuals access a state of calm and clarity, reducing stress and enhancing emotional resilience.

Sitting in a designated chair creates a physical and mental space for
Focused breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting

Reflecting on positive experiences shifts brain activity towards more positive neural pathways.

 Allowing oneself to fully experience emotions facilitates emotional processing and release.

Chair of JOY : An Interactive Experience Gallery