The FIRST Children’s Chair of Joy™ By Sheryl Lynn and Melissa Morgan

“The Children’s Chair of Joy™ changes the way children are raised, therefore it changes the world.” Sheryl Lynn

Remember when you were invincible and dreams came true every other minute? Life was fun, playful and filled with possibility, and light.

And now, we wake up each day and it is possible we let our circumstances and surroundings influence this dreamy life. We know pain and suffering from all angles. Of course we have days that are sprinkled with occasional joy, we sort of know what this feels like, but not really. What we do know for sure is that we all yearn for more light, more joy and many of us make a valiant effort daily to figure it out.

What if there is a way to take hard work out of this process. What if we could bring back that excitement, dust off that imagination, and open the gift of JOY at any moment throughout the day?

Remember when you were a child and your imagination was your superpower? You could build wildly cool stuff with Legos, color outside the lines, take trips to the moon with your storybooks and simply be free. It was easy then and it can be again.

I remember when I was young, an extremely joyful little girl with laughter spilling from my heart and a twinkle in my eye. I loved riding my bike, playing in the sandbox, and pushing Tonka trucks with my brothers. We had many days where it was just us and the sprinkler in the backyard on hot summer days.

As the joy and innocence of childhood slowly faded and blurred into checklists and to-do tasks, most of us eventually are transformed into responsibilities and adulting. Unfortunately, in today’s society, this is happening to our children at a very early age.

The stress and turmoil in today’s world are affecting our children; leaving a large wake of suicide and mental health and behavioural issues in its path.

For me, it all started with a broken nose during a friendly game of baseball. The trauma of that experience slowly dissolved my engaging spirit. It took me 40 years to get back to remembering this feeling. Years of personal development work, and I was relentless because I believe that 8 years of zest for life was still inside of me.

Today’s children are experiencing traumas like never before. What if we could shorten the recovery time, to bring them back to feeling good and knowing the language of the highest calibrated emotion on the planet, joy? Would it be possible to bring them back to a place of self-love, peace, and light? When they are in charge, empowered and in control of knowing joy, they can identify the pain, give it a name and release it in mere moments instead of years. That is the power of the Children’s Chair of Joy™!

Chair of Joy™. A simple experience where you sit, breathe, think, and feel. This Chair of Joy™ begins to produce a connection with your inner self. Soon this self-awareness turns to healing. This healing makes it real, to know that you get to feel better, and even joyful more often during the day.

Chair of Joy™ is so profound, yet simple enough for a child. You see, your Chair of Joy™ can be wherever you are because once you know the secret, you can go to this place often and create the experience anywhere.

When I was gifted my Chair of Joy™, I discovered this space to be quiet and still, where my thoughts eased me into recognizing that I am in control, I am the center of my life and in this return back to my thoughts I can transmute the pain of an experience using only my thought patterns. I wanted to do this again! I wanted to return to this powerful space inside of myself.

Fast forward to the current time and we have now duplicated this experience in over 50 cities and thousands have sat in the COJ including children.

The Children’s Chair of Joy™ is revolutionizing the mental health and wellness of our children. Gone are the days of shame, punishment, and isolation of the “time out” chair. When we can teach our children that a positive mindset can come from the process of sit, breathe, think, and feel – in fact, we are giving them the coping tools and strategies needed to return to joy. What a gift that is. A gift that many parents and child advocates have not had.

The vision is that this cycle of children’s joy can be shortened and even maintained when they, parents, teachers, and the village that raises these children to develop the language of joyely, a vocabulary, and focus on this emotion of joy.

We are already seeing the profound results in children and parents who have adopted the Chair of Joy™ into their daily routine. One homeschooling mom said she is using the chair of joy in her daily school curriculum after experiencing how it instantly transformed her daughter’s negative mindset about a difficult assignment into a positive, “let’s try again” attitude. The large, yellow bean bag chair has now been transformed into her child’s Chair of Joy™. This is now where she goes when she wants to take a break, read a book, imagine, and create. She thinks of times she has felt joy and recreates that joy into her current state. This is a game-changing experience for children and parents alike.

And that is why we joyfully have partnered with Kid’s Revolution WorldWide!

Kids Revolution’s mission is to empower our kids to be confident, intelligent, emotionally balanced, and happy leaders. Kids Revolution Worldwide and JOYELY are presenting the Children’s Chair of Joy™ (COJ) during the May 2022 USA Tour.

We don’t have another minute to waste. The introduction of The Children’s Chair of Joy™ to every school, hospital, recreational center, gym, church, day-care, and every place children are seen and heard is where the Chair of Joy™ must be. And TODAY is not soon enough.

Chair of Joy™ Experience teaches children :

  • How to remember joy
  • To embrace being a child
  • To have an experience daily to feel joy
  • To understand the language of joy
  • To keep their own power or confidence throughout the day
  • To realize that the COJ is an anchor to cycle back quickly to the task at hand
  • To use their superpower of imagination
  • To know they can have this experience anywhere, anytime, and in any place

Chair of Joy™ Benefits :

  • Parents communicate with their children better about everything
  • Better communication between caregiver and child
  • Parents and children enjoy each other fully
  • Families, peers and teachers realize more potential
  • The COJ releases stress for caregivers in the moment of chaos
  • Confidence and success unfold almost instantly
  • The COJ for children impacts every part of a child’s day
  • The COJ is an element of surprise and fun
  • Children who know the COJ are present and still
  • The COJ can lower cortisol which is the stress hormone that causes behavioral problems in children
  • Lowers alpha waves in the brain which allows more creative thinking
  • Fosters trust between caregiver and child

Pull Up A Chair, It’s Time for Joy and of course the Children’s Chair of Joy™.

Melissa Morgan
Mother of 7, Grandma to 1
Mental Wellness Advocate, Kid’s Revolution and MBR Coach
JOYELY Advisor

Sheryl Lynn
Founder and Visionary of the Chair of Joy™ Movement
Mother of 3, Lolly to 1
Programs, Coaching and Trainings Available for Individuals, Corporations and Educational Systems.

Tell us what you know about JOY for the World Joy Report: 

It’s time to immerse ourselves completely in the conversation of joy, to prioritize it above most things.. There’s no time to wait; it’s a matter of life and death.

Your Answer Matters!

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