Chair of Joy™ Movement

movement brings people together to form a collective identity with a shared goal or set of values.

We are creating change through sustained collective action that challenges social, political, and environmental injustice; change at the foundational level, of the everyday choices and actions that we make. Starting with the Foundation of Joy, the social aspect.

Movements are innately chaotic and graceful, iterative and innovative. Forward momentum requires individuals and organizations to create new ways to disrupt the status quo. They need Leadership and Leaders who take action.

We have a vision and we have started on a course that has unrealized potential – What could our world look like if humanity collectively focused on JOY? What if movements for Voting Rights, Climate Justice, Healthcare, Racial Injustice, Income disparity, Food Insecurity, and Social Inequality were approached from a lens of Joy-focused, action-centered vibrancy? What if we focused on enacting actual change; to move from a place of focusing on lack to a centrally focused strive for our individual and collective right to abundance and collective prosperity.

I’m not asking you to put your toe in the water; I’m asking you to dive in. This is a lifetime commitment. A commitment that not only serves you but the collective.

My focal point is to support the individuals and organizations currently invested or interested in leading the movement of Joy; impacting people and our planet today, tomorrow, and beyond.

How do you see yourself in this movement for joy, where can you make the biggest impact? We want you. We need you. It is time to move away from stoic individualism towards passionate and vibrant action that celebrates both individuals and the safety to live within a diverse and joy-filled world.

Tell us what you know about JOY for the World Joy Report: 

It’s time to immerse ourselves completely in the conversation of joy, to prioritize it above most things.. There’s no time to wait; it’s a matter of life and death.

Your Answer Matters!

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