Sheryl Lynn, Guest of Dr. Alise Cortez

Sheryl Lynn, Guest of Dr. Alise Cortez

People ache to find their purpose. And often, it’s been with you your whole life – you just didn’t know how to recognize it as such. That persistent, niggling part of yourself that just won’t let you alone? Probably your purpose. That thing that everyone recognizes as being uniquely you and they count on for? Probably your purpose expressed. For Sheryl Lynn, her purpose was ultimately recognized as that insistent calling toward anything that brought her joy. She recognizes she needed it, and so does everyone else. And now, she’s built a platform around her brand called JOYELY. And she’s supporting a Joy Movement set to serve 1 billion people as they find, be, and share their joy with the world. Take a seat, you’re worth it.

Sheryl Lynn

Sheryl Lynn, founder of JOYELY has persevered, standing firm in believing that when we focus on joy, we will have more joy. Many laughed, most did not get it and yet others say she would never create a brand around JOY. This was the exact negativity that Sheryl spent a life running from. And now, instead of running, she has weaved together the pieces of what is now known as JOYELY. She may not have known what it was called, but she always believed that if she built it, people would come. Now as an active adventure seeker always hiking, climbing, camping, and living life fully, Sheryl has added JOYELY STUDIOS to her life, leaving a legacy of simply choosing to focus on JOY for herself and others.

Tell us what you know about JOY for the World Joy Report: 

It’s time to immerse ourselves completely in the conversation of joy, to prioritize it above most things.. There’s no time to wait; it’s a matter of life and death.

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