Kim Cullins Inspiration for Sock Campaign

What to do:
Inspire Joy by wearing fun socks
Tag a video or take a picture
Wear yellow socks or just yellow!

Tell us how the socks made you feel, and what others said


“As I drive past the gorgeous sun-soaked California scenery with my family in the car the words “choose joy” feels especially meaningful at this time. Daily media and work input can feel so heavy right now. It’s easy to become lost to the sense of worry and even doom. “Choose joy” feels like a simple reminder (in a bright comfy package) to remember that I alone choose how to walk this path before me. “Spread joy” on the soles of my feet reminds of the power I have in the footprints I will leave behind.”

Krysta Dancy, MA, MFT

Therapist. Educator. Nonprofit Director. Expert in trauma-informed leadership. A passionate advocate for institutions that are humanized from the bottom to the top. When leaders are burned out, feel stuck, and uninspired I help them heal so they can connect again.

Tell us what you know about JOY for the World Joy Report: 

It’s time to immerse ourselves completely in the conversation of joy, to prioritize it above most things.. There’s no time to wait; it’s a matter of life and death.

Your Answer Matters!

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