Chair of Joy™ Tours

Local WI Woman Combatting Great Resignation w/Chair of Joy™: Boardroom Culture of Joy+Great Collaboration

A scientific analysis of working women in Wisconsin concluded that 50% of women are actively looking to quit their jobs, 25% higher than the national average, due to poor communication, not getting positive feedback, pay and flexibility of scheduling.

Sheryl Lynn, Visionary Founder of Chair of Joy™ Movement and CEO of JOYELY, LLC works with leaders of organizations helping leverage the emotion of joy at work and home. Her firm works with executives to align business to employee goals for maximum results and to uncover what’s next for The Great Resignation. Lynn will be in Green Bay, WI on May 1st and available for live in-studio or virtual interviews for the 4th cross-country Chair of Joy™ Experience: The Golden Light Tour.

Sheryl can comment on the following hot topics:

  • 7 best post-pandemic back-to-work strategies after feeling burnt out working from home or remotely.
  • Why and how companies are creating a Boardroom Culture of Joy including titles like Chairperson of Joy, Leader of Joy and Living JOYELY Coordinator.
  • What is The Great Collaboration and what is The New Standard of Joy, a game changing method for America’s Corporations.
  • Why employers should expect the Great Resignation to slow its pace as heightened retention strategies and human nature take its course.

Sheryl Lynn says, “In order to address the resignation and acquisition of team members, companies have to know who they are, what they stand for and then actually walk their talk. Managers have to be hands-on in a coaching role, which often gets lost in the sea of workplace activity.”

Chair of Joy™ (COJ) concept is designed as a cross-functional, elegant, mindful system that is easy to implement, generating immediate results for leaders and team members to create common ground and make goals more productive and engaging.

The cities that Lynn will visit through May 2022 are: Green Bay, WI (May 1), Milwaukee, WI (May 2), Chicago, IL (May 5), Cleveland, OH (May 7), Pittsburgh, PA (May 9), Washington DC (May 12), Baltimore, MD (May 17), Philadelphia, PA (May 19), and New York, NY (May 23), led by The World Council of Joy, a group of thought leaders providing research and leveraging joy as intentional healing and transformation.

Since 2020, Sheryl Lynn has traveled to 50 cities and has had thousands of people already experience the Chair of Joy™. Recently 16 Golden Circle Coaches were accredited through her organization to keep up with the increasing demand for JOYELY corporate programs that work.

Sitting in the Chair of Joy™ is a daily opportunity to reset negativity. Instead of staying focused on stress, Lynn welcomes the public to Pull Up A Chair because It’s Time for Joy. The 4-step process: Sit. Breathe. Think and Feel is transforming the workplace into a more expansive environment in every Key Performance Indicator. (KPI)

Supporting Content: JOYELY Sheryl Lynn Bio Sizzle Reel I Dr Paul Abell, Ph.D

More about Sheryl Lynn: .
CEO of JOYELY, LLC, Sheryl Lynn’s mission is for everyone to know that joy is possible. Sheryl’s touchstone is her Chair of Joy™, a beautiful white padded throne with gold trim where she invites executives, thought leaders, musicians, celebrities, politicians, and other influencers to tell stories of what brings them joy while seated either in her Chair or their own.
Press Inquiries and interviews:
Kat Fleischman, President + CEO Do-Tell Publicity
(305) 490-5911 I I

Tell us what you know about JOY for the World Joy Report: 

It’s time to immerse ourselves completely in the conversation of joy, to prioritize it above most things.. There’s no time to wait; it’s a matter of life and death.

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