
Sheryl Lynn, Founder JOYELY, LLC

Hi and Welcome to JOYELY!

Like me, I bet you are interested in having more joy in your life. Pursuing Joy has meant a lifetime of study, discovery, and now daily practices to increase joy in every part of my life.

Finding joy is surprisingly simple, and it doesn’t cost a penny. I would like to personally invite you into a community that values the things that make life fulfilling because your attention to raising the vibration of joy in your life can help heal the planet.

Let’s stay connected. Book a time with me so I can learn more about you and your goals.

Chair of Joy™ Practice

Science shows that when we increase our vibration positively in our lives, the universal laws give us back more of what we want.

JOY, being the highest calibrated emotion on the planet, is the key to increasing that vibration. This proven method is our gift to you.

Here is the simple practice of raising your vibration of joy in your life, and therefore the planet..

(Audio Coming Soon)

Freedom Fest 2021

Absolutely Incredible to meet you at Freedom Fest 2021 and THANK YOU for raising the vibration of Joy on the planet.  Being part of the JOYELY organization and The World Council of Joy will give you clarity, credibility, and power to assist in doing what we are all here for, to cause us all to pay attention to freedom and what that feels like through a focus on joy.

At Freedom Fest:

  • We invite you to sit in the Chair of Joy™ to learn more.
  • Simply make an and appointment  below.
  • Option: Have your picture taken with our polaroid camera. That photo will be placed on “WALL OF JOY.”
  • Enter Raffle to Win Prizes!
  • Let’s stay in touch as your world expands through joy.
  • Text Sheryl to join her for a Invite Only C-Suite Networking Event: July 21 or 22 at 6:30 PM

Lets Connect!

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Tools to Discover Your Joy

Our Podcast Shows

The Reminder Tool

Professionals Speak to Joy

Events & Retreats