2021 Episode 52 - Melissa Porterfield

It’s tough to grow a business. You’ve got so many things to think about, it seems like you’re constantly busy, you don’t have time to do anything except focus on getting your business off the ground. Before you know it, things are moving along, you’re getting busier, and you realize that you need help. Like any CEO, you know what you need help with, and you know that you need help fast, but do you know what kind of person will align with your values, see your vision, and understand your mission?

Melissa has worked with CEOs just like you to define and design a company culture that attracts, engages, and retains the right people. Turnover’s expensive and disengagement has hidden costs that eat into your profitability. It’s all avoidable if you put the time in on the front end to ensure you’ve got it right.

Connect with Melissa:

Website: https://www.silkmtn.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-porterfield/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/silkmt


Tell us what you know about JOY for the World Joy Report: 

It’s time to immerse ourselves completely in the conversation of joy, to prioritize it above most things.. There’s no time to wait; it’s a matter of life and death.

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