2021 Episode 46 - Lindsey Wander

As an educator, she wants to provide all students with the tools to be successful in school and, therefore, in life. She teaches from the belief that ALL students can learn, and thus have a wide variety of techniques to teach any student, of any ability, and in any subject. Listen to this uplifting JOYELY Podcast episode with Lindsey Wander about her company WorldWise and its’ mission of helping students through education, to better themselves for the future, no matter their background or learning style.

Listen to this uplifting JOYELY Podcast episode with Lindsey Wander about her company WorldWise and its’ mission of helping students through education, to better themselves for the future, no matter their background or learning style. Here are some of the uplifting topics covered on this week’s show:

● Lindsey’s process of finding out what the underlying issues are with students and how she goes deeper into changing them. Once they evaluate these things, the certain qualifications they require from her coaches and tutors, and what they do specifically to bring them in.

● Lindsey’s desire to bring joy into learning and how she motivates her students, how she boosts their confidence and how she simplifies the learning process.

● How to find joy in being our authentic selves.

● Why Lindsey became a tutor, how she got started in education and why she wanted to invoke change in kids through education.

Tell us what you know about JOY for the World Joy Report: 

It’s time to immerse ourselves completely in the conversation of joy, to prioritize it above most things.. There’s no time to wait; it’s a matter of life and death.

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