JOYELY DOT COM LAUNCHES Worldwide: Hold onto your seats!

When something feels as luscious as joy, well, you just have to share it with the world. And so it is! JOYELY is officially presenting JOYELY.COM to the world. The site will go live on Tuesday, February 25, 2020, at 5 PM PST.

Joy is a love affair with every aspect of our human hearts. But how can we get more of it?

Joyely is presenting the following to the world:

Joy Formula – The Joy Formula is Find, Be, Share. The formula is designed to cultivate fluid interaction with your joy. It is a process to live joy daily and to know that joy is a full spectrum of our experiences and joy is instantaneous.

Sages – Joyely founders are gathering creators, healers, scientists, authors, and performers from all walks of life who we recognize as leaders in authentic joy.

Events – Joyley gathers wherever we are in mind and spirit. We come together for events with celebrations and opportunities to find, be, and share what gives us joy.

A Joy Movement – It is the purpose of the JOYELY organization to plant the seeds of joy throughout the world, bringing joy visionaries together to further expand our innate joy. We offer Joy Blasts through programs, training, and culturally responsive interactions. We are consistently inspiring joyful conversations around dinner tables everywhere.

Joyely (sounds like merrily but with a J) is a name that is short, easy to remember and describes an organization built to focus on one thing, joy. We promise to do our best to blast you with as much joy as possible throughout the years ahead.


Location: Online
Date: February 25, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM PST


Media Coordinator: Shannon Daley
Phone: (949) 303-5219

Follow Us: Facebook

Tell us what you know about JOY for the World Joy Report: 

It’s time to immerse ourselves completely in the conversation of joy, to prioritize it above most things.. There’s no time to wait; it’s a matter of life and death.

Your Answer Matters!

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